This article focuses on strategies adopted by British trade unions to promote education to their members and their impact on attempts to organize among migrant workers. The relationship between this activity and broader debates around union revitalization is analysed, particularly in terms of how union involvement in learning intersects with broader organizing and community focused union activity. A diverse range of approaches to education provision for migrant workers can be identified from this research. The influence of internal union politics on attempts to organize migrant workers, work in conjunction with state policy and improve access to education among their members is also analysed. The study highlights a diverse range of outcomes, raising important issues regarding union organizing strategies and their relationship to union provision of education for their memberships.
Published abstract reprinted by permission of the copyright owner.
??[-] Show lessThis article focuses on strategies adopted by British trade unions to promote education to their members and their impact on attempts to organize among migrant workers. The relationship between this activity and broader debates around union revitalization is analysed, particularly in terms of how union involvement in learning intersects with broader organizing and community focused union activity. A diverse range of approaches to education provision for migrant workers can be identified from this research. The influence of internal union politics on attempts to organize migrant workers, ...??[+] Show more
Subjects: Industry; Migration; Teaching and learning; Providers of education and training
Keywords: Union; Migrants; Education; Institutional role
Geographic subjects: Great Britain; Europe
Published: Los Angeles, California: Sage Publications, 2012
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VOCEDplus is produced by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), which together with TAFE South Australia, is a UNESCO regional Centre of Excellence in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). VOCEDplus receives funding from the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE).
Source: http://www.voced.edu.au/content/ngv54922
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