Total Upper Body Dumbbell Workout

Do NOT go to the gym before you watch this video: What's up Sixpackshortcutters! Today I've got an awesome workout for you that will work your entire upper body. This is a great workout to do if you want to get your "beach muscles" up for the summer, and it's also a great way to work your entire upper body at home in just a few minutes. Here's the breakdown: Back: One Arm Dumbbell Rows (10 reps) Chest: Clapping Push-Ups (10 reps) Shoulders: Standing Dumbbell Press (10 reps) Biceps: Dumbbell Curls (10 reps) Triceps: Tricep Extensions (10 reps) Traps: Shrugs (20 reps) How to put it all together: do all the exercises with the reps I laid out above, and this will be one round. Do FOUR ROUNDS to complete the entire workout! I demonstrate the form for these exercises in the video. Be sure that you're doing the exercises that I demonstrate them so that you stay safe, and so the exercises are effective for getting you ripped. Hope you liked the workout! Drop a comment below to let me know how you did. And I have to warn should NOT go to the gym before you watch this free video: In there I show you why most popular ways of getting in shape -- like long slow cardio, bodybuilder style weight training, and doing lots of ab exercises -- are a waste of time if you want to get a ripped body and six pack abs. I also show you the controversial new style of training I use instead called Afterburn Training. Is Afterburn Training the 1 proven shortcut to six pack abs? Watch the video and decide for yourself! Train hard, Mike PS -- Use this link to share the video with your friends on Facebook!
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Upper Body Workout Upper Body Workout Exercise Fitness Bodybuilding Muscles Weightlifting Chest Workout Back Workout Arm Workout Bicep Workout Home Workout Tricep Workout Abs Workout Chest Back Arms Biceps Triceps Abs Ab
Categories: Sports
POP Pilates for Beginners - Total Body Workout Cassey takes you through a Pilates workout for beginners. You will work your abs, your legs, and your arms. Principles such as proper breathing, posture, and form are explained in a very detailed manner, so this is also a great exercise video for people trying to understand Pilates basics. Official rules for Pop Pilates T-Shirt Contest: Follow me on twitter: Fan me on facebook: Read my blog: Shop my designs:
Ranked 4.46 / 5 | 3827 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Pilates Pilates For Beginners Ab Workout Arm Workout Leg Workout Lose Weight Exercise Diet Flat Abs Blogilates Fitness Total Body Workout
Categories: How To
Total Body Training Exercise - Video Try this total body training exercise video from Stephen Cabral and Sarah Dussault. Check Out Video! Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- Twitter Facebook: iTunes: Sarah's YouTube Channel - Sarah's Blog -
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 113 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: BackwardsLunge StephenCabral SarahDussault DietHealth TotalBodyTrainingExercise Exercise Fitness Strength Training Workout Move Routine PersonalTrainer
Categories: How To
SOHI Fitness Total Abs Workout

This Total Abdominal Workout works the middle (rectus abdominis) the sides (obliques) and the transverse abdominals (the muscle that holds in our gut). To learn more about Megan's classes visit The following exercises are: 1. 24 Sit-up to standing and then a jump - You can use one hand to assist you in getting up as I did in the video. 2. 24 MMA abdominals - 12 to each side - Move your hips to each side lifting your butt up off the ground and setting it back down on each side. 3. 24 Straight leg toe touches - 12 to each side - Keep your grounded foot bent and try to touch the ankle of the foot that is in the air with your opposite hand. 4. 24 Lower weighted abs- 12 on each side - With your hands down at your side, cross one leg onto the other and curl your butt up off the floor. Try not to let your hands help you in this exercise. 5. 24 Side plank - 12 on each side - While on your bended arm, go up and down in a controlled manner making sure your body is in a straight line when you are up. 6. Plank - Stay up while you slowly count to 24 or keep your body in a straight line for as long as you can. Battleflag by Lo Fidelity Allstars
Ranked 4.29 / 5 | 311 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Fit Fitness Cardio Sexy Tight Abs Abdominals Six Pack Stomach Pregnancy Workouts Workout Home Physical Activity Tone Shape Up Videos Exercise Exercises Training Muscles Lean Belly Fat Weight Loss Lose Burning Obesity Body
Categories: How To
How to Get a Total Body Workout

Learn how to get a total body workout with help from these steps.
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Submitted By: Howcast
Tags: HealthBeauty Health Nutrition Exercise Workout Fitness Toning Plans Balance Accomplishment
Categories: How To
POP Pilates: Total Body Sculpt - Abs, Butt, Thighs, Legs, Arms! (Full 10 Min)

This workout really sculpts the core, legs, arms, obliques, and will for sure make you sore the next day. New video series will be filmed periodically for you to follow, so subscribe to stay tuned! Cassey Ho is a fun Pilates Instructor who loves mixing up her moves to upbeat pop music. Songs in this workout: "Ce Jeu" by Yelle "Sexy Chick" by David Guetta "Robot Rock" by Daft Punk
Ranked 3.92 / 5 | 19325 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: blogilates
Tags: Pilates Yoga Fitness Windsor Butt Glutes Legs Thighs Inner Exercise Video Workout Free Body Core Abs Health Routine Best Program Studio DVD Classes Weight Loss Women Girls Pop 10 Min Full Music Daft Punk David Guetta Yelle Bag
Categories: How To
3 Shoulder Exercises; A Total Shoulder Exercise Program

Go to For more Shoulder Workouts and Upper Body Exercises after you give this Shoulder Exercise Program a try. Form, Tempo and Sequence are your key variables that bring incredible synergy to these 3 Shoulder Exercises... In this Exercise Video You'll go through a 3-exercise sequence with me. Be sure to get medical clearance for exercise BEFORE you do this program. 1 - Rear Shoulder/Deltoid dumbbell raises (Abduction) 2 - Total Shoulder Circles: Parallel Press to Sky; Turns palms out; Draw 2 half circles with dumbbells; hands meet in bottom/start position 3 - Body-Weight Shoulder Press In the video I go through the exercise sequences once; After the video I go through it 4 more times; adjusting my weights and repetitions as needed. Depending on your level of fitness - You'll adjust as needed as well. After you've gone through this shoulder exercise routine - come back and post in the comment section to share your experience with us. And don't forget to Go to For more Shoulder Workouts and Upper Body Exercises after you give this Shoulder Exercise Program a try.
Ranked 4.37 / 5 | 1486 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Shoulder Exercise 3 Shoulder Exercises Shoulder Workout
Categories: How To
Total Body Workout: KickBoxing presents: Kickboxing refers to the sport of using martial-arts-style kicks and western-boxing-style punches
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Submitted By: watchmojo
Tags: Kickboxing Exercise Getting Shape Weight Loss Free Video Fitness Fun Training Good Workout Full
Categories: Sports
Total Gym Kickbacks - Triceps Toning Exercise

Single resistance training exercise is good for "toning" by itself. Toning requires losing body fat and either maintaining or gaining muscle mass. If you have low body fat and little muscle, this exercise will do a great job at toning your triceps. Total Gym kickbacks are very effective at isolating the triceps. Kickbacks are far superior on the total gym than with dumbbells. The demonstration was performed on the GTS which is the gym version of the home exercise machine "Total Gym" Personal Trainer Mike Behnken, MS, NASM-CPT-PES, CSCS
Ranked 3.93 / 5 | 6517 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: AskTheTrainer
Tags: 6pack Abdominals Abs Arms At Back Bodybuilders Bodybuilding Build Burning Cut Exercise Exercises Fat Guns Gym Home Muscles Of Pack Ripped Shredded Six Tone Toning Total Tricep Triceps Women Workout
Categories: Sports How To
Total Gym Rotator Cuff Demonstrations

Personal Training in Montreal for Rotator Cuff Exercise Demonstration on the Total Gym or GTS with Christina Serpa from &
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Cuff Exercise Exercises Gym In Montreal Personal Rotaor Rotator Total Training
Categories: How To
Advanced Fitness and Exercise Video: Body Weight Workout Thanks for featuring us youtube! This advanced work out brought to you by and personal trainer Stephen Cabral is a total body tone up quick workout. Get tighter, flat abs to look summer sexy without the gym or equipment.
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Body Equipment Exercise Fitness Gym Health No Out Total Trainer Video Work
Categories: How To
Bodyweight Workout Video - No Exercise Equipment Routine

No exercise equipment? Try our body weight workout video! Personal trainer Stephen Cabral takes Sarah through a total body work out that uses no equipment, just body weight. Build muscle and tone up. No gym required. This exercise video can be done anywhere.
Ranked 4.28 / 5 | 1503 views | 0 comments
Click here to watch the video (04:11)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Bodyweight Work Out Fitness Exercise Video Abs Health Weight Loss Lose Fat Burning Body Gym Total No Gym
Categories: How To
The South Beach Diet Super Charged Workout - Total Body 2

Dr. Arthur Agatston changed the way America eats with The South Beach Diet. Now he is changing the way we live with a new exercise program to rev up the metabolism and burn fat and calories.
Ranked 3.84 / 5 | 7068 views | 1 comments
Click here to watch the video (02:15)
Submitted By: KOCH Video
Tags: South Beaches Diet Workout Fitness Low-carb Health Doctors Agatston Exercise Cardio DVD
Categories: How To
Total Body Exercise Workout Videos Weight Loss Program

The Best of Tamilee Webb - Best Thighs, Best Abs, Best Cardio. Total body exercise workout videos by Tamilee Webb, a fitness trainer who offers health fitness training total body workout program videos. Fitness workout videos by Tamilee Webb.
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 1074 views | 1 comments
Click here to watch the video (04:27)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Exercise Fitness Health Loss Program Training Videos Weight Workout
Categories: Sports
Elle Glam Fitness - 40 Minutes of a Total Toning Workout

View more Health & Fitness Videos at: View more clips available for download at: Join the Elle Glam Fitness Total Toning Team for an incredible total body toning workout that will have you in great shape in no time. Have fun and feel the burn with brand new routines that get the heart rate up and the calories off plus sculpt and shape long lean muscles! And through a unique combination of exercises you will strengthen your core and lower body for that perfect shape.
Ranked 4.05 / 5 | 5702 views | 1 comments
Click here to watch the video (02:06)
Submitted By: Zipidee
Tags: Health Fitness Exercise How Instruction Physical Shape Workout Train Trainning Gym Yoga Pillattes
Categories: Sports
Double Pump - Total Body Workout

With Double Pump: Total Body you will be amazed at the results you see in just a short time. With her energetic and inspiring approach, Shpresa takes you through the simple steps that will lead you toward obtaining the perfect shape. You should have the body you want all year round. Double Pump is oscillatory isometrics combined with a pulsing technique, so you can begin to firm, sculpt and tone every single muscle and discover the body you truly deserve. Warm-Up: This cardio warm-up will get your heart rate pumping and get you ready to start working out. Arms: This section really sculpts your chest, deltoids, triceps, biceps, and shoulders. Buns & Thighs: With a new twist on traditional lunges, kick, and squats, your lower body will really begin to take shape. Floor Work: This floor section will help you begin to develop the flat stomach you've always dreamed of. More Abs: Ready to really work your abs? Shpresa has customized this section to help you define and obtain perfectly toned abs. View more Health & Fitness Videos at: View more clips available for download at:
Ranked 4.48 / 5 | 4480 views | 1 comments
Click here to watch the video (02:07)
Submitted By: Zipidee
Tags: Health Fitness Exercise How Instruction Physical Shape Workout Train Trainning Gym Yoga Pillattes
Categories: Sports
Total Body Toning Cardio Workout Video

Break up boring cardio into shorter segments, and you will burn more fat! *Sponsor: Lose More in Less Time - Find more fitness videos at or own this video for just {rss}total+exercise{/rss}.75! In this workout video, we show you how to tone your body, burn fat without even stepping inside a gym! You can do it anywhere that has a bench like a local park. Check Out Video! Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- Twitter Facebook: iTunes: Sarah's YouTube Channel - Sarah's Fitness Blog -
Ranked 3.99 / 5 | 5022 views | 0 comments
Click here to watch the video (03:16)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Diethealth Cardio Fat Burning Workout Outside No Equipment Gym Tone Slender Sculpt Muscles Lose Weight Diet Fitness Exercise Exercises Circuit Interval Womens Health Fit Girls Park Boston Outdoors Best Hard Difficult
Categories: Sports
Total Anabolic Market

AAS delivery - trusted worldwide!
Ranked 4.28 / 5 | 5655 views | 2 comments
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Submitted By: pecfly
Tags: Steroid Steroids Anabolics Muscles Exercise Decabol Durabol Testosterone Freak Gym Health Sexy
Categories: People & Stories
Exercise And Fitness Video For A Quick Workout

Free online exercise and fitness video for the perfect workout to tone up your whole body quickly! (more)
Ranked 4.35 / 5 | 6502 views | 1 comments
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Submitted By: DietHealth
Tags: Exercise Fitness Workout Gym Work Out Free Online Total Body Sexy Legs Butt
Categories: Sports
Pilates Exercise And Fitness Video

Free online exercise and fitness video for total body using pilates for a quick workout to get your body back on track.
Ranked 4.42 / 5 | 31474 views | 2 comments
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Submitted By: DietHealth
Tags: People & Stories Exercise Video Fitness Work Out Free Online Total Pilates
Categories: Comedy Entertainment
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